About Us

Our Mission

Informed Policy Advocates (IPA) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to advocating for informed consent, consumer protections, and civil rights in California. 

This mission will ensure all Californians are informed and protected in their healthcare decisions, advocating for transparency, choice, and protection from coercion. 

About Informed Policy Advocates

Through lobbying and civic engagement, IPA’s mission is to empower Californians to safeguard their civil rights by promoting informed consent and consumer protections. As a nonpartisan organization, we foster respectful dialogue to bridge the gap between constituents and their legislators on both sides of the aisle with a goal to codify that Californians shall be informed and protected in their healthcare decisions. We champion the fundamental principle of informed consent regarding medical interventions, advocating for transparency, choice, and protection from coercion. 

Three pillars to our mission

Informed Consent

  • The right to be informed

  • The right to decline or opt out

  • The right to reasonable accommodations when opting out

Consumer Protections 

  • The right to opt out when there are risks

  • The right to opt out when a product is liability free 

  • The right to opt out when the federal government is out of compliance with federal safety requirements 

Civil Rights

  • Education and Employee Right 

  • Child and Parental Rights

  • Freedom From Discrimination 

Our Goals Through Advocacy and Legislation

By advancing these goals through advocacy and legislative efforts, we aim to protect individual freedoms, ensure choice, and hold institutions accountable. 

Champion informed consent

  • Advocate for legislation that upholds the right to be fully informed about medical interventions, ensuring transparency and access to all relevant information. 

  • Push for laws that protect the right to decline or opt out of medical procedures without fear of coercion, discrimination, or negative consequences. 

  • Promote policies that guarantee reasonable accommodations for individuals who choose to opt out of medical interventions, safeguarding their personal autonomy. 

Defend civil rights

  • Education and Employee Rights: Advocate for laws that protect access to education and employment, transparency, and the right to opt out of medical mandates that conflict with personal or moral beliefs. 

  • Child and Parental Rights: Legislate protections for parents’ fundamental rights to make decisions about their children's health, education, and well-being without interference. 

  • Employee Rights: Push for legislation that safeguards workers' rights to make informed medical decisions free from coercion, discrimination, or job-related penalties. 

Protect consumer rights

  • Advocate for legislative protections that grant the right to opt out of medical treatments or products that pose risks to health and safety. 

  • Support policies that ensure individuals can opt out of liability-free products, holding companies and institutions accountable for their actions. 

  • Push for compliance with federal safety standards, ensuring that individuals have the right to opt out when the federal government fails to meet these requirements. 

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